
Today is the date about the foundation of our group with the first group members. Pia Bench our groupleader and former had the idea of taking part in the Überflieger 2 competition.


A professor of the Leibniz University Hannover played a role model in having the motivation to send an experiment to the ISS. Emeritus Prof. Günther Scherer worked on the effect of gravity on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and their root formations and as well on the phytohormone auxin in connection with low gravity. His scientific posters are still shown on the floors of our campus. His work is inspiring for what plant science can be and that there is no limit for plants.Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helge Küster and his work on M. truncatula and symbiotic partners are well known by students through multiple classes. And for us, focusing our research on the benefits of a caring community is near the zeitgeist of our modern society and what we stand for.

However, now we also have to find an interesting topic and complete the SED in just two weeks! Hopefully we will be succsessful.