
The date for the launch is set : 2023/03/11 at 03:02 CET!! Our experiment will be send to the ISS with the SpaceX CRS-27 at Space Kennedy Center in Florida. You can visit the website of the NASA, to get a live transmission from the launch.

  • February 2023

    Final tests

    Nice view on the biochamber

    The final test has started. We again test the whole system and the technology, to check of any errors. Additionally, a test for different times of nodulation after germination (14 and 21 days) combined with a darkness simulation test for several days was made. The Medicagos have survived the darness weel. The after 14 days nodulated variants looked much better. So, we will choose this time, to nudulate the plants.

    Plants after darkness exposure. Top = nodulation after 14 days, Bottom = nodulation after 21 days, Working together Darkness simulation test